I'm into my 2nd week of recovery from my LASIK. YES! only the 2nd week, it feels like a long time ago.
Bid farewell to my blackie. I've donated my specs since I've corrected my vision, I hope this pair of specs can help another person too, bringing him/her perfect vision to see this lovely world..

I've 'donated' my contact lens too! hahaha... I hope I make a different in your vision too..
Speedy recovery to myself! I called my first week the Super Star week because I'm walking around (everywhere) in my sunnies. Plus the endless 'interview's from friends/colleagues.
Super Star week was also the most important week because you're most prone to an infection.
Despite the hourly eye drops (by the way, there's 3 types of eye drops to distill), I'm also required to put on a pair of 'ultraman-eyes' to shield my delicate eyes from unknown scratches or rubbing in my sleep.

ta dah~ Pardon me if I give you a shock.. =p
I also cannot touch my upper eye lid because that's the location of the wound. Extra caution and care are required because no water, makeup, shampoo etc can get into the eyes. I felt so incomplete without cleaning my eye. And had a ultimate hard time washing my hair, resulting in tremendous neck ache!
I've bought new mascara & eye liner once I've cleared my next review... tsk tsk tsk!
If given a second chance, I will still proceed with LASIK because the technology is simply amazing! totally painless.. If you can bear with 4 hours of super-excessive tearing, you're game for it!
Bid farewell to my blackie. I've donated my specs since I've corrected my vision, I hope this pair of specs can help another person too, bringing him/her perfect vision to see this lovely world..

I've 'donated' my contact lens too! hahaha... I hope I make a different in your vision too..
Speedy recovery to myself! I called my first week the Super Star week because I'm walking around (everywhere) in my sunnies. Plus the endless 'interview's from friends/colleagues.
Super Star week was also the most important week because you're most prone to an infection.
Despite the hourly eye drops (by the way, there's 3 types of eye drops to distill), I'm also required to put on a pair of 'ultraman-eyes' to shield my delicate eyes from unknown scratches or rubbing in my sleep.

ta dah~ Pardon me if I give you a shock.. =p
I also cannot touch my upper eye lid because that's the location of the wound. Extra caution and care are required because no water, makeup, shampoo etc can get into the eyes. I felt so incomplete without cleaning my eye. And had a ultimate hard time washing my hair, resulting in tremendous neck ache!
I've bought new mascara & eye liner once I've cleared my next review... tsk tsk tsk!
If given a second chance, I will still proceed with LASIK because the technology is simply amazing! totally painless.. If you can bear with 4 hours of super-excessive tearing, you're game for it!