On 9 Aug 2011, the sea of Red was overwhelmed, the audience was so excited, vigorously waving our flags, cheering. Tears (nearly) welled in my eyes when we sang along the National Anthem while the Singapore flag flew over our heads. Is this the only day you feel patriotic?
While we're celebrating Singapore's 46th birthday, this was also Mr. SR Nathan's 12th & his last NDP. Who will be our new President? You determine your choice wisely ya!

Cheers! My view was blocked by the vizor..

Look at the beautiful skyline

Not forgetting the Flyer behind us..

The parade was about to begin..

Honestly, I'm only excited during the parachuting and fireworks.. =x I think that's what we are waiting for the whole night. And this yr, the firework performance was truly awesome!! I'm so engrossed that I totally gave up on taking pics.
Of cos individuals have their views on the NDP performance (mostly negatives I feel). Some felt that it was boring, every year also the same and a waste of money. What say you?
But I felt that we can't fault the performers' effort & time put in for the show, for Singapore.
I personally took part in NDP in 2000 while I'm still schooling. I swear that it was a drag because your Sat & Sun (full day) were booked for rehearsals. No matter rain or shine. On top of that, every day after school, we need to stay back to rehears too. PLUS! We started all this as early as Jan (if you still recall National Day is in Aug). So next time, if you want to complain again, think twice!
Did I mention that I'm proud being a Singaporean? ;p
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